Theory of Learning Conceptualisation

Outside school, almost everyone has an implicit theory about how people learn. If you ask them how people know, they are likely to suggest that it involves the learner being taught or told something and then learning and understanding it. Formal learning theories have their roots in psychology. They are interested in addressing the question, "How do people learn?" in the same way as informal theories are. The emergence of various systematic learning theories, some of which you will find here, has resulted from psychologists and others' consideration of this question over time. One of the most significant distinctions between…


Child-Led Learning

The definition of Child-Led Learning’, also known as ‘Free-Play’, is when the child is free to select their choice of learning tools and toys, such as, building blocks, playing in the sandpit, painting, etc. The goal is to observe how the child approaches the chosen activity and adjusts it according to their preference. Early childhood settings promote this form of play by allowing children to self-serve/help themselves to the resources provided. Instead of the tradition form of the question-and-answer worksheets, children have free reign to interact with any material he or she pleases. They may be presented with options by…


Creative Workshop 🎨

During the December holidays, Bobo held a three-week Creative Workshop to bring out the hidden artist in every child 👩‍🎨👨‍🎨 Activity above: an abstract painting on canvas, using masking tape. The kids used their own imagination to decide how they would like to stick the tape around the canvas and were free to decide what colours to paint with.  Creativity is a popular attribute and an important factor in shaping their future and overall success in all disciplines.  Activity above: inflating a balloon using baking soda and vinegar. Bringing in some science, the kids discovered the outcome of mixing two…


Nanny Training

A genuine love for children is the main quality of a great nanny! Parents are sharing a piece of their heart when bringing a nanny into their private homes and entrusting them to keep their children safe and well-cared for. The highest level of care is expected especially since they may be working under no supervision or oversight.  Our Nanny Training Course was delivered by Sakina Teja, a Specialist in Early Childhood Education and Family Counselling and Certified in First Aid and CPR. For the program, we used Sakina's 19 years of experience in the field, gathered information from online…


Nature Lovers (Forest Schools)

using natural resources to create a land art. The Forest Schools concept originated in Scandinavia. The approach was widely adopted in Denmark in the 1980's as a solution to the lack of indoor facilities for pre-school children. We at Bobo play & learn have introduced this new approach with the name of Nature learning. This is a child-centered inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supports risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.One of the prime objectives of forest schools is…


Cinnamon Rolls & Milkshake

Our cooking club on Thursday’s is everyone’s favorite! Cooking with children has several benefits. As the tutor labels all the ingredients, it increases a child's vocabulary. Kids also have to follow directions which enhances receptive language skills. While cooking, we also explain each step and have children describe what they are doing for even greater language development. Cooking with children enhances fine motor skills, increases math ability as they measure ingredients, increases focus and attention and of course teaches them life skills. Here below children are seen putting mini cinnamon rolls and a milkshake together which was quite a treat…


Sensory Water Play

SENSORY WATER PLAY - Water play is both enjoyable and educational. It helps children develop eye-hand coordination and math and science concepts.Our children enjoyed playing with flowers and orange slices...we poured,sieved,squeezed,scooped and had lots of fun smelling and tasting the oranges


Introduction to Puzzles

We introduced the Montessori size sequencing knob puzzles to our Toddlers. This activity encourages the toddlers to realise and understand the concept of shapes,sequence, fit, and slowly they learn to distinguish sizes too.


Craft Activity

We were busy being very creative with our toddlers.We have tried to introduce the 3D art concept to them. Children learnt to manipulate a paintbrush, this helps to improve their fine motor skills. Most importantly, when children feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence. And children who feel able to experiment and to make mistakes feel free to invent new ways of thinking.


Little Chefs

We baked rainbow muffins for our Thursday cooking day for the Toddler time program this week. Baking with children can give them lots of opportunities to strengthen their hand and finger muscles.

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Bobo Cook-Off & Bake Sale

In collaboration with Ms Navnit Birdi, a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, on the 26th of July Bobo held a rainbow-themed 🌈 cook-off to educate the kids about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle!  Navnit Birdi briefing the teams on the Cook-Off rules. Inviting children into the kitchen and explaining the ‘why’ of what we choose to eat has shown to bring more success and excitement during mealtimes. In order to provide a balanced plate, the students were briefed on the major food groups prior to the cook-off.  This cooking competition aimed to encourage creative thinking, responsibility, teamwork, communication, time management, entrepreneurship…


International Yoga Day

In celebration of International Yoga Day on 22nd June 2020, Bobo collaborated with Mukti and Yoga for Wellness Africa for a special yoga class for mums and their little ones.  It was beautiful to witness how yoga turned into a great bonding experience, built confidence and trust between the parent and the child.  Gentle but challenging, our yoga practise aimed to give children a glimpse into fitness with the hopes of establishing long-term habits and teaching the joys of a healthy lifestyle from a young age.  This specified yoga session included carefully selected breathing techniques, behavioural guidelines and physical postures for…

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